Apostle Adrian EliJAH Robert is a revolutionary Apostolic voice, used by the LORD in the practical Demonstration of The Resurrection Power of JESUS CHRIST. He is the founder and Apostolic Leader of the Supernatural Church of JESUS CHRIST, the author of the book, Touch the SuperNatural, and the founder of The SuperNatural School. Apostle Adrian EliJAH is defined by his peers as one of the most prolific Apostolic voices to the nations and has been given the ability to make the SuperNatural practical to those around him. His ministry for INSTANT MIRACLES, INSTANT HEALINGS, and SUPERNATURAL POWER.

As a child, at the age of 2 years old, he received the first prophetic word over his life at a revival meeting by an American evangelist, Reverend Carl Richardson. It was prophesied that God would use him mightily in the preaching of the Word of God and the demonstration and manifestation of God’s supernatural power with unique and creative healings and miracles, to such a dimension that many would question if it was the workings of God!

Growing up, Apostle Adrian always felt that God had called him with a special purpose, but he did not desire to be a ‘man of God’ in the traditional sense of the word. He loved the Lord and chased after the anointing, but he wanted to be wealthy and travel the world. His mother would often pray to say, “Lord, may the things of this world grow dim to him.” And as the years went by, that is precisely what happened. The things of the world did not interest him. Instead, he was hungry for the power of God as was spoken of in the accounts of the prophets and apostles of Old. He cried out for the anointing, to the point of desperation even in his dreams!

In the year 2000, Apostle Adrian had an encounter with Jesus Himself. Awaking from his sleep, he found Jesus sitting at his bedside. Jesus took His hand, placed it on Apostle Adrian’s right thigh, and said, “My blood is there. Use it.” A divine surge of power went through his body, creating desperation and greater hunger for the Lord.

Over the years, Apostle Adrian grew in the Spirit, learning and grasping spiritual principles, truths, and keys on how to access and walk in the fullness of God’s power. He witnessed this prophetic word come to pass as the years went on, and the Lord taught him directly from the throne room of Heaven on the keys, ingredients, and blueprint for the supernatural, and most importantly, on the Glory of God is experienced by returning to the ancient paths. Around the year 2013, the Lord spoke to him saying, “Will you go?” Shekinah Prophetic Ministries, also known as The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ, was then birth.

As an Apostle, Adrian Elijah is a radical and mighty vessel in the hand of the LORD, bringing the Supernatural Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ to thousands of people from around the world. His meetings display the intensity of the power of God, resulting in documented INSTANT miracles, INSTANT healings, and lives forever impacted and changed by the power of JESUS CHRIST.

As the founder of The Supernatural School, Apostle Adrian created a ground-breaking, cutting-edge learning platform for those who are hungry to learn about the Supernatural Power of God, through teaching and practical demonstration. Students around the world have witnessed Apostolic demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders through his teachings at The SuperNatural School.

It was prophesied that this ministry would be a Ministry of ministries and would impact nations around the world to understand and experience the Glory of God, whilst bringing a governmental order to the purpose of the five-fold and the body of Christ as a whole. From the establishment of the ministry, God showed up with great power and majesty. There have been countless testimonies and video footage and recordings of healings, signs, wonders, miracles, and unique experiences and encounters in the realm of Glory, from being caught up in the Heavens, to throne-room experiences, to seeing Jesus walk and talk to His people in the meetings! The Lord then said to Apostle Adrian, “Change the name of the Church. This is My church. These are My people. Everything is Mine. Call it The SuperNatural Church of JESUS CHRIST”.

The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ is a dynamic and destiny-unlocking House of Glory and Wonders. The vision of the ministry has been predominantly rooted in:

  1. Teaching the return to the ancient paths to experience the Glory of God;
  2. Transitioning the sons and daughters from being ordinary to extraordinary, from natural to
  3. Explaining the revelation of the 3-part being of man: body, soul, and spirit, and how this relates to
    the seen and unseen realm;
  4. Tearing down the giant of tradition, compromise and contamination in God’s House so that His
    people may experience the freedom and fullness of Heaven on earth;
  5. Rectifying false doctrines on the anointing and the glory;
  6. Emphasizing the purpose of the Five-Fold ministry and the role these ascension offices and gifts
    play in the Body of Christ for global governance and dominance;
  7. Raising up a Holy Company of Sons and Daughters of Light to walk in the supernatural power of
    God and;
  8. To establish Glory-Centre’s across the world

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