The Supernatural School focuses on the importance of raising and equipping the remnant out of the remnant, the Sons and Daughters of Light to walk in, demonstrate and manifest the Supernatural power of God on the earth by pursuing a life of holiness and righteousness for God’s Glory.

From the outset of this course, you shall hear and understand the magnitude of the Word of The Lord and prophetic prayers that were released between 2020 and 2023 at The SuperNatural Church of Jesus Christ.

You will see how all that God spoke and declared connects to:

  • the mantle
  • Glory-manifestations in the meetings
  • the mission of The Supernatural School
  • and the purpose of the Sons and Daughters of Light in these last days



1 Corinthians 16:14:

Do everything in love.

1 Peter 1:16

Since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Proverbs 21:21

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.

Deuteronomy 11:11

Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.

Matthew 5:8

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”



The imperishable crown, the crown of rejoicing, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the crown of life. Representative of authority.

Keys representing the unlocking. Here are 2 keys one to the seen realm and one to the unseen realm.

Representation of the Apostolic, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah represents our King of Glory, Jesus Christ and signifies authority.

A respresentation of the Prophetic move of God over the earth.

An open scroll is an illustration of revelation and visualization of HIS truth.

Representation of the harvest, His Church and His blessing.

The seal is a mark of identity and ownership, and approval.

The golden ribbon representing the tying together of everything by The Apostle under our LORD JESUS CHRIST.




  • Greater intimacy with God, a relationship of love and honour.
  • An understanding of how the Supernatural affects all aspects of life and how to operate in it.
  • Diverse, faith-filled friends and ministry partners.
  • An understanding of how to operate in the supernatural.
  • Ability to influence people. When we walk in the Glory, this becomes evident to those around you. Your life becomes a testimony to those around you.
  • Diligence to see Gods plan for your life, unlocked and matured.
  • Boldness to be a man or woman of action in every aspect of your life.
  • An attitude of honour.



Graduation is a joyous time when we celebrate our commitment, growth and success!

At the conclusion of the course, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded to each student that has met the requirements for graduation.

To be eligible to graduate, students will need to fulfill the following requirements:

Supernatural Ministry

Students will need to complete 19 assignments as which will contribute to a combined final result.

Natural Skills

Students will have met all requirements. These requirements will differ from student to student depending on skills deemed necessary by tutors for a student to develop and a student’s already established strengths.


Students will have maintained a 90% online attendance rate at school.


Students will participate in face-to-face classes and workshops and contribute to the culture of the School.


Students will be financially responsible and paid all fees in full.


Students will have displayed Godly character throughout the year and exhibit a desire to advance the Kingdom.



Sabrina Naidoo

Head of Communications

Sid Mentor


Peter Akinbinu

Technical Advisor

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